Un Modelo jerárquico Bayesiano espacio-temporal con variable de conteos; aplicación de VIH/SIDA en Costa Rica


Spatial models that smooth standardized mortality ratios are widely used in di-sease mapping. Usually, estimation is imprecise when events are rare. In situations where each areal count splits into different time periods, this problem is more evi-dent because of the presence of even lower counts for the areal units for each timeperiod. In this work, we analyze models that include geographic and temporal in-formation and some covariates such as percentage of urban household, percentageof people between 24 and 49 years old, and infant mortality ratio of each countyin 2011. As a result, these models produce better estimations, especially for themodel with the simplest space-time interaction. Finally, HIV/AIDS mortality datain Costa Rica (1998-2012) are used as an illustration to compare classic standar-dized mortality ratios and posterior means of relative risk. The proposed methodis more efficient and more precise than the maximum likelihood.

Comunicaciones En Estadística, 11 (1)
Shu Wei Chou Chen
Shu Wei Chou Chen

Mis intereses de investigación incluyen los métodos estadísticos, el análisis de series temporales y el análisis espacio-temporal.